Monday, July 2, 2012

Drowne/Morrell Family Connection

Drowne/Drown and Morrell/Morrill Family Connection

The connection between the Drowne/Drown and Morrell/Morrill Family is through the marriage of Samuel Drowne, son of Leonard Drowne and Elizabeth Abbott to Elizabeth Morrell in 1698 at Boston, Massachusetts, daughter or John Morrell and Sarah Hodson/Hodsdon …

Leonard Drowne (Generation 1)
son of John Drowne and Dorothy Childe
grandson of Richard Drown
The first Drowne/Drown in North America was Leonard Drowne (1646-1729) who came from Penryn, Cornwall, England where he was born in 1646, his arrival in New Hampshire was in 1660 soon after the Restoration (England) of the monarchy … Leonard was a shipwright and established a shipyard near Sturgeon Creek (Kittery, Maine) which is now Eliot, Maine in York County … Leonard married Sarah Abbott of Portsmouth, New Hampshire in 1675, daughter of Walter Abbott and Sarah Stewart … Leonard Drowne help organize and build the first Baptist Church in Maine in 1682 … During the King William War, many Maine towns were raided and English settlements were massacred by the Wabanaki people in conjunction with the French … In 1696, twenty-eight members of the Baptist Church moved to Charleston, South Carolina and established the first Baptist Church there while the Drowne’s moved to Boston, Massachusetts in 1699, due to the ongoing war and violence … After Sarah Abbott died, Leonard married his widowed sister-in-law, Mary (Abbott) Caley … This marriage was performed by Reverend Cotton Mather in Boston, Massachusetts, November 4, 1707 … Court Records indicate that Leonard Drowne appeared in the York Court of Common Pleas as a Plaintiff in 1715 … Leonard Drowne died in Boston, Massachusetts, October 31, 1729 and is buried in the Copps Hill Burying Ground/Cemetery at Boston, Massachusetts along with other early family members …
b.  1646, Penryn, Cornwall, England
d.  October 31, 1729, Boston, Massachusetts
      Buried: Copp’s Hill Burying Ground, Boston, Massachusetts
            1675, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
            daughter of Walter Abbott and Sarah Stewart
            granddaughter of Thomas Stewart
            b.  1654, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire
            d.  May 5, 1704, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
                 Buried: Copp’s Hill Burying Ground, Boston, Massachusetts
            November 4, 1707, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
            daughter of Walter Abbott and Sarah Steward
            widow of Robert Caley of Malden, Massachusetts
            b. 1652, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire
            d. 1732, Berwick, York, Maine

Children of Leonard Drowne and (1) Elizabeth Abbott
Samuel Drowne (SEE BELOW: Generation 2)

Solomon Drowne (Generation 2)
b.   January 23, 1681, Kittery, York, Maine
d.   October 9, 1730, Bristol, Rhode Island
m.  Esther Bosworth
       November 8, 1705, Bristol, Rhode Island
       daughter of Joseph Bosworth and Esther Smith
       granddaughter of Jonathan Bosworth and Hannah Howland
       b.  August 18, 1686, Bristol, Rhode Island
       d.  July 26, 1744, Bristol, Rhode Island
Children of Solomon Drowne and Esther Bosworth:
Solomon Drowne
       b. October 4, 1706, Bristol, Rhode Island
       d. September 21, 1780, Bristol, Rhode Island
           Buried: East Burial Ground, Bristol, Rhode Island
       m. Mercy Tillinghast, July 2, 1749, Providence, Rhode Island
Esther Drowne
        b. October 26, 1708, Bristol, Rhode Island
        d. November 24, 1787, Bristol, Rhode Island
        m. William Gladding, October 24, 1726, Bristol, Rhode Island
Elizabeth Drowne
        b. September 8, 1710, Bristol, Rhode Island
        d. May 6, 1765, Bristol, Rhode Island
        m. Samuel Smith, Jr., May 10, 1731, Bristol, Rhode Island
Joseph Drowne
        b. February 12, 1712, Bristol, Rhode Island
        d. 1769
Bathsheba Drowne
        b. June 10, 1715, Bristol, Rhode Island
        m. Nathan Jones, November 10, 1736, Bristol, Rhode Island
Mary Drowne
        b. June 7, 1719, Bristol, Rhode Island
        d. April 5, 1759, Bristol, Rhode Island
        m. Captain John Gladding, September 25, 1738, Bristol, Rhode Island
Samuel Drown
        b. July 31, 1721, Bristol, Rhode Island
        d. January 17, 1770, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire
        m. Sarah Reed, December 27, 1743, Rehoboth, Massachusetts
Sarah Drowne
        b. July 23, 1723, Bristol, Rhode Island
        d. September 17, 1775, Bristol, Rhode Island
        m. John Pratt, January 11, 1739/40, Bristol, Rhode Island
Jonathan Drowne
        b. June 13, 1725, Bristol, Rhode Island
        d. August 21, 1780, Providence, Rhode Island
        m. Mary Bird, October 18, 1748, Providence, Rhode Island
Shem Drowne
        b. February 29, 1728, Bristol, Rhode Island
        d. May 7, 1794, Bristol, Rhode Island
        m. Ann Durfee, July 27, 1758, Barrington, Rhode Island

Shem Drowne (Generation 2)
He was born near Sturgeon Creek in what is now Eliot, York County, Maine … He was the son of Leonard Drowne (shipbuilder) and Elizabeth Abbott … Shem Drowne was a coppersmith with a shop on Ann Street (now North Street) in the North End … He was baptized in the First Baptist Church of Boston in 1713 along with the future Paster of that Church … In May/1721, he was elected a Deacon of the church and served this position until his death in 1774 … In 1716, he created America’s first authenticated weathervane, a gilded America Indian archer, for the cupola of Providence House in Boston, Massachusetts, which in 1716 became the official residence of the Royal Governor … In 1721, he created a rooster weathervane (also known as the weathercock) for the New Brick Church on Hanover Street, the weathervane is now on the First Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts … In 1740 he made a six foot long copper swallow-tailed banner weathervane that is now atop Old North Church in Boston, Massachusetts …  His most famous work is the weathervane on top of Faneuil Hall in Boston, Massachusetts…. Commissioned by Peter Faneuil in 1742, it was designed to complement the grasshopper weathervane atop the Royal Exchange in the City of London, and help symbolize the new building as the capital of finance in the New World … The grasshopper is copper gilded with gold leaf and glass eyes … The weathervane fell off the building during the earthquake of 1755 which rattled Boston to the core … He and his son Thomas repaired it and remounted it … The weathervane is the only part of Faneuil Hall which remains totally unmodified from the original 1742 structure.  In 1805, Charles Bullfinch expanded the building and moved the cupola from the middle of the building to the front … In 1974 the weathervane was stolen but recovered in less than a week …
The Drowne Claim on the Pemaquid Patent
In 1632, The Plymouth Council for New England granted two merchants from Bristol, England, Robert Aldsworth and Gyles Elbridge, 12,000 acres near what would become Bristol, Maine … In a document known as the Pemaquid Patent, Gyles survived Aldsworth and passed it to his son John, who in turn passed it to his bother Thomas …      Thomas Elbridge mortgaged Monhegan Island and Damariscove Island to Richard Russell, and sold half the Patent’s land, half of his furniture and half of his castle for L200 to Paul White … In 1653, White and Elbridge conveyed the entire Moiety title to Russell and Nicholas Davidson who in turn became sole owners of the patents from Russell in 1657 … Elbridge continued to live in Pemaquid (Bristol) and called himself the “Merchant of Pemaquid” … After the Second Anglo-Dutch War, the Duke of York claimed the land as his under Royal Charter …
Drowne’s wife Katherine Clark, was a partial heir to the Davidson claim of the Pemaquid Patents, and Drowne acquired power of attorney from the other heirs … What became to be known as the “Drowne Claim” encompassed Bristol, Bremen, Damariscottia and parts of Newcastle and Nobleboro … Other claims of the tie included the “Brown Right” and the Tappen Right” … Starting in the 1730’s, Drowne filed a number of depositions in order to gain control of the Drowne Claim … On June 12, 1746, he bought Monhegan Island and its surrounding islands for L10, 13 shillings … His son later sold the island for L160 and his estate bequest money to the First Baptist Church of Boston, Massachusetts …  
b.  December 4, 1683, Kittery (Sturgeon Creek) York County, Maine
d.  January 13, 1774, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
m. Katherine Clark
      September 18, 1712, Boston, Massachusetts
      daughter of Captain Timothy Clark and Sarah Richardson
      b. April 17, 1687, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. April 21, 1754, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Children of Shem Drowne and Katherine Clark:
John Drowne
      b. September 13, 1713, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. September 13, 1713, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
William Drowne
      b. September 22, 1714, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. June 5, 1715, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Thomas Drowne
      b. December 14, 1715, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. February 26, 1795, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      m. Sarah Paine, December 23, 1736, Boston, Massachusetts
Joseph Drowne
      b. December 10, 1717/1718, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. October 31, 1721, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Katherine Drowne
      b. March 22, 1720/21, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. October 13, 1726, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
David Drowne
      b. October 6, 1723, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. 1748
      m. Frances Pebbles/Prebbles, February 27, 1743, Boston, Mass.
Sarah Drowne
      b. September 19, 1725, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. July 7, 1773, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Mary Drowne
      b. February 10, 1727, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. February 11, 1727, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Elizabeth Drowne
      b. January 15, 1728, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d. March 15, 1728, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts

Susanna Drowne  (Generation 2)
b.   1684, Kittery, York, Maine
d.   November 2, 1720, Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts
m.  John Johnson
      January 11, 1708/1709, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      b.  September 10, 1681, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      d.  November 25, 1749

Simeon Drowne  (Generation 2)
Occupation: Shipbuilder
b.  April 8, 1686, Kittery, York, Maine
d.  August 2, 1734, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      Buried: Copp’s Hill Burying Ground, Boston, Massachusetts
m. (1) Mary Paine
           daughter of Colonel Nathaniel Paine and Dorothy Rainsford
           1701, Berwick, York, Maine
           b. June 8, 1682, Bristol, Rhode Island
      (2) Mary Everenden
           October 7, 1725, Boston, Massachusetts
           b. 1705
           d. 1752
Children of Simeon Drowne and (1) Mary Paine:
Hannah Drowne
        b. May 20, 1702, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Alithea Drowne
        b. 1710, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Jonathan Drowne
        b. May 7, 1711, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
        d. July 27, 1732, Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island
        m. Sarah Kent
Mercy Drowne
        b. 1714, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
        d. 1764
        m. Frances Price, November 21, 1734, Dorchester, Mass.
Children of Simeon Drowne and (2) Mary Everenden:
Issac Drowne
        b. 1726, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts

Thomas Drowne  (Generation 2)
b.   1690, Kittery, York, Maine
m.  Elizabeth Ham
       daughter of William Ham and Sarah Dennett
       June 1, 1710, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire
       b.  1690, Portsmouth, Rockingham, New Hampshire

Mary Drowne  (Generation 2)
b.   1693, Kittery, York, Maine
d.   January 24, 1732, Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts
m.  James Kettle of Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      April 24, 1712, Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts
      b.  March 23, 1685, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
      d.  June 30, 1759, Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts

Elizabeth Drowne  (Generation 2)
b.  November 2, 1699, Kittery, York, Maine
d.  1709

Sarah Drowne  (Generation 2)
b.  November 20, 1702, Kittery, York, Maine
d.  February 26, 1724, Providence, Providence, Rhode Island
m. John Shephard

Samuel Drowne (Generation 2)
son of Leonard Drowne and Elizabeth Abbott
b.  March 7, 1675/1676, Kittery (Sturgeon Creek) York, Maine
d.  January 25, 1721, Kittery, York, Maine
     1730, Kittery, York, Maine
     Buried: Drowne-Morrell Cemetery, Old Cottage Lane, Eliot, Main
     February 3, 1698, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
     Married by Rev. Ben Wadsworth
     daughter of John Morrell and Sarah Hodson/Hodsdon
     b.  1676, Kittery, York, Maine
     d.  January 1740/1741, Kittery, York, Maine
          Buried: Drowne-Morrell Cemetery, Old Cottage Lane, Eliot, Maine

Special Notation:
This is just a small piece from an article written by Ethel Morrell McCollister
(believed to be from The Portland Telegram, 1923) …
RE: Drowne-Morrell Cemetery, Old Cottage Lane, Eliot, Maine
“There is a small cemetery just back of the house on the hill side and one wonders why this was established when John (Morrell) and several of his children were buried at the foot of the hill.   There are several stones still standing and the oldest is that of John (Morrell) senior’s son-in-law, Samuel Drowne who died in 1730, the year the garrison house was built.

Children of Samuel Drowne and Elizabeth Morrell
Elizabeth Drowne  (Generation 3)
b.  April 20, 1700, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
d.  1795
m.  James Wittum/Whittum/Wittem
       March 12, 1720, Kittery, York, Maine
       b. 1690/1700

Samuel Drowne  (Generation 3)
b.   July 15, 1704, Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts
d.   1795, Rochester, Strafford, New Hampshire
m.  Martha Tibbetts
      January 12, 1727/29, Durham/Rochester, Strafford, New Hampshire

Solomon Drowne  (Generation 3)
b.  March 26, 1706
d.  1797, Rochester, Strafford, New Hampshire

Thomas Drowne   (Generation 3)
b.  December 23, 1708, Kittery, York, Maine
d.  August 3, 1709, Kittery, York, Maine
m. unmarried with no issue

Hannah Drowne   (Generation 3)
b.  @1710, Kittery, York, Maine

Mary Drowne  (Generation 3)
b.  @1712, Kittery, York, Maine

Abraham Morrell/Morrill (Generation 1)
son of Richard Morrill and Joan Childe
grandson of Hugh Morrill and Elizabeth Cartar/Carter
grandson of Robert Childe and Agnes Rudkyn
… 1632, Arrival at Cambridge, Massachusetts …
… 1650, Census at Salisbury, Essex, Masssachusetts
b.  1586, Hatfield Broad Oaks, Essex, England
d.  June 20, 1662, Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts
     daughter of Richard Clement and Lydia Drummer
     granddaughter of Robert Clement and Agnes Alice Fellows
     granddaughter of Robert Drummer

John Morrell (Generation 2)
son of Abraham Morrell and Sarah Clement
John Morrell, born in 1640 as shown by a Deposition, Land Grant in 1668. He was a mason.  In 1676 he settled at "Cold Harbor," in what is now known as Eliot, Maine.  He married, before 1667, Sarah, dau. of Nicholas and Elizabeth ________Hodsdon.   He was living in 1720.  He was licensed to keep a ferry and house of entertainment in  1686. REFERENCE: Old Kittery and Her Families,  Author: E. S. Stackpole Publication: 190,  Page 619.

John Morrell is found in Ipswich, Massachusetts, in 1661, about four years before his marriage in Kittery. "Acting under this law [for avoiding the settlement of poor people], the Selectmen [of Ipswich] made complaint to the Ipswich Court in March 1661, that they had notified Daniel Grazier and John Morrill, Irishmen, that they were not willing to have them as inhabitants and they had not removed." We don't know of any other John Morrell in New England at this time, the only other family of this surname is Abraham Morrill of Salisbury, so it is highly likely that this is our John Morrell of Kittery. In addition, 1661 aligns well with the first mention of John in Kittery, which was in 1663, occupation "plasterer." This is the first clue we have as to the nationality of John Morrell, as it seems at least some folks in Ipswich believed he was of Ireland. REFERENCE: Ipswich in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Thomas Franklin Waters (Ipswich MA: Ipswich Hist. Soc., 1917)

John Morrell was born in 1640 and married Sarah Hodson (daughter of Nicholos of Kittery) in 1674 father-in-law deeded him Birch Point, part of his homestead, reserving right to water from the spring, which still furnishes an abundant supply of excellent water. Birch Point is in the town of South Berwick Maine and near a bridge that spans the river at that place.  Two years later John Morrell sold land to Abram Conley and bought a farm at “Coole Harbor” in present town of Elliot which was in the family until 1932.  It burned to the ground the next year.   He was licensed to conduct a ferry and keep a place of entertainment – one of the first taverns in this state. He was the first to embrace the Friends Religion (Quakers) which many of his descendants embrace to present time. There is little doubt that many a Quaker fleeing from persecution in Boston was carried on the Morrell ferry to safety “down east”.   John Morrell Jr. lived on part of the old homestead and was also a large landowner in the present town of North Berwick. He was a slave owner and a man of wealth and prominence in town. The Morrell’s, Winslow’s, Lowe’s, Peasley’s and Pope’s were all Quakers down to grandfather Paschal Pope Morrell who became a Methodist Minister. He was later a chaplain in the Civil War.  The first Quakers to arrive in America were viewed as dangerous heretics in many of the colonies. They were deported as Witches, imprisoned or hung.  REFERENCE: History of the Morrell Family (Online Record)
JOHN MORRELL (Generation 2)
b.  @1640, Kittery, York Country, Maine
d.  @1723, Kittery, York Country, Maine
     daughter of Nicolas Hodgson and Elizabeth Wincoll Needham
     granddaughter of Richard Hodson and Elizabeth Prise of Hertfordshire, England
     granddaughter of Thomas Wincall and Beatrix ____________
     1665, Kittery, Maine
     before 1674
     b. 1649, Watertown, Massachusetts
         1650, Cambridge/Boston, Massachusetts

                                       For additional Morrell Family Lineage see
                                            The Morrell Family of New England